Sometimes I am ahead of the curve...at least I like to think so. I suggested a year ago or so to my boss that it may actually benefit people to have salaries be public information. He scoffed at the idea. I can see his reluctance. BUT Just think for a minute though and you may agree with me. Everyone has people that they work with whom you suspect are grossly overpaid and some that you suspect are very underpaid. In my current position I have access to not exact salaries but a general idea of a persons salary range through a grading system. I am amazed and flabbergasted at what some people make whom I know, from first hand experience, are incompetent at best. If their salary were public information I think their would be an out cry to oust the laggard from their comfy perch and send them packing. I also think this would make equal pay for women a reality. No more .70 to a dollar or whatever the current delta is. Men would have to start ponying up to keep high performing women on their team. Very interesting that this article appeared in the NY Times.
Psst! Your Salary Is Showing
Psst! Your Salary Is Showing
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